Here's just update of my bike check
Really light weight and enough robust.

Frame: S&M LTF 20.5
Stem: Primo Aneyerlator
Bar: Kink LYNX
Head: FSA
Fork: S&M Pitch XLT

Front hub: Primo N4 with Bored tuned bearing
Front rim: Sun Rhyno lite
Front tire: KHE Folding dirt tire

Bottom branket: Primo
Crank: Primo Hollow bite with Ti axle
Chain wheel: S&M Tuffman 23t
Chain: KMC 410
Pedal: EASTERN Plastic
Seat: NW sheet pivotal
Seat post: Primo pivotal
Seat post clump: Simple

Rear hub: Primo Mix cassette 8t
Rear rim: Primo balance 7005
Rear tire: Animal ASM-R 1.95

Peg: Tree x 3
Setting: Nothing special but the handle bar is set slightly more vertical than head tube angle to get longer distance from seat to handle. It feels like 20.7 top tube frame(Actual top tube length is 20.5)

All the photos were taken by my friends aka Photon. Thanks



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