Saturday ride

Here's photos of riding of my friends, I took them on last Saturday.
It was really nice day to ride and all we each made progress.

K-san aka President made 180 for the first time!!

180/ K-san aka President

Soy started to fight with wall 180 on vertical wall

Trying wall 180/ Soy

Mathew got much better style of invert.

Invert / Mathew

I tried reverse 180, Feeble to smith at a curb, Double peg on a rail, front peg tap on a pole during 180.

Also, I was really enjoyed to take pictures. I usually use a 50mm lens(EF 50mm f/1.8 II) for BMX and it describes kind of raw feeling photos because nothing is deformed as above photos. So I really like it and want to catch cool moment with my boy.



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