Good how to by Davery Watson and Romeo

- Slick ledge
- Midle speed
- Pop-out
- Spin harder than normal 180
to get the tire away from ledge

I will try it this weekend. Thanks Romeo !!

Custom frame of FBM has been available on their web.
It's should be nice for the guys who have clear ideal geometry for BMX.

You can Customize the below points with $450:

  • Head tube angle
  • Top tube (Length, Outside diameter, Type of Gusset)
  • Down tube (Outside diameter, Type of Gusset)
  • Bottom bracket (Type of Bottom bracket, Height)
  • Seat tubed (Butted or not, Angle)
  • Seat stay (Material, Type of bridge)
  • Stand over height
  • Chain stay (Length, Style, Material, Type of bridge)
  • Color
  • and more...

Also you may be able to make special order which is not listed above with additional cost.

Great job!!!
I'm wondering send an order when I get the image of ideal geometry in the future.

What's the common point of them?


Ryan Metro

Danny Hickerson

They are all pro riders? Acctually.

They are my fave? Definitly.

They do switch the their stance/feet during riding !!!

Hahaha, you must be Butcher, Ryan, Danny or Crazy about BMX if you recognized it


The vid will answer to your question about Philips Carousel.

I thought that the vid was made with many CG technologies, but actually not.
Still I wonder how to move a camera like that and how to fix many staffs (Glass flaks, actors...)

Now I'm using 3 Pegs on my bmx, but I will reduce to 2 x Pegs or increse to 4 x Pegs in future.

at TPR

at Shinjuku

Bunny hop/ Mathew

180/ Mathew

Bunny hop/ HD

Just for your info cause many of us are always looking for hub guards that fits to our hubs.
One of my friend introduced a new shadow hub guard on the proper.
They are perfect lookin' and function, I think.

The shape of new shadow's new Rant hub guard was changed to like shadow's Raptor hub guard.

  • Looks more clean (No slit on the guard)
  • Little bit larger diameter

Raptor hub guard

Old rant hub guard

But this guard is not perfect for Primo N4.
Because of thicker hub guard than original primo's lock nut, the center of the tire shifts bit from the center of the front fork.

Just I went ride and tested New lens(EF50 f1.8 II), it was likely to rain though.

Rider: Mako-chan

The performances of the lens are just as I expected, but I feel something about auto focus function. Anyway, the lens are still good I think.

Thanks Mako-chan for ur riding !!

Yes!! I got lens, "EF50 f/1.8 II" for my canon digital camera.
(The below pics are not mine)

EF50 f/1.8

This must be good for taking street riding for the features;
- Good focal length (50mm)=> Good length for who doesn't use a tripod. I like this range of the length and don't like fish eye things
- Minimum aperture value (1.8) => Easy to freze the riders move on photos
- Light weight => I don't care so much though
- Cheap(Less than $100) => That's the most important point!!

Example from flickr

I'll go ride with my boy today

Zorg bikes Brand new hub guard is now launched.
It looks so inovative and clean design.
The idea seems to be same as Grind guard of G-sport,
but Zorg one must be more robust because of material and the way of attachement.

Acctually, I used G-sport one, but the Insulok or Soelace for fixing the guard was easily broken. For Zorg one, bolts & nuts are used for fixing hub to spokes, so it must be much better.

I will try to get one !!

I don't know anything about the below clip, but it's so cool !!!

It was soooo sweet
The concept was really nice, 36 riders in 1 city.

Especially, Dakota and Dan Lacy's moves are great.
But I do not like stripe clothes Dakota worn in the clip though..
Anyway you should get one !!

I'm using N4 front hub.
I realy like its simple shape and robustness
but I could not find any good hub guard fitting nice to N4.

Actually there are some (G-Sport, Super star...)that can be used for
but they are bad look and have some problems...

I gonna try to use a hub guard that are designed for another specific hub.
I will show you how it was.


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